
This extension also provides a way to extend napoleon to work with C constructs.

Enabling this feature simply requires adding the napoleon sub package of this extension to the list of desired sphinx extensions:

extensions = [


Currently only the Google style docstrings are supported.

Using this extension will take:

 * This example structure uses the `Members:` section and lets napoleon format
 * the members.
 * Members:
 *     one: The first member of parent struct
 *     two: This is a structure declared in the parent struct its children are
 *         documented below.
 *         Members:
 *             nested_one: The nested member documentation
 *             nested_two: The second nested member documentation
 *     three: The third member of parent struct
struct members_documented_with_napoleon
    int one;
    struct {
        float nested_one;
        int nested_two;
    } two;
    float three;

and convert it into

struct members_documented_with_napoleon

This example structure uses the Members: section and lets napoleon format the members.

int one

The first member of parent struct

struct two

This is a structure declared in the parent struct its children are documented below.

float nested_one

The nested member documentation

int nested_two

The second nested member documentation

float three

The third member of parent struct