C Autodoc Extension For Sphinx.

A basic attempt at extending Sphinx and autodoc to work with C files.

The idea is to add support for similar directives that autodoc provides. i.e.

A function in my_c_file.c:

 * A simple function that adds.
 * @param a: The initial value
 * @param b: The value to add to `a`
 * @returns The sum of `a` and `b`.
int my_adding_function(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

Could be referenced in documentation as:

.. autocfunction:: my_c_file.c::my_adding_function

With the resulting documentation output of:

int my_adding_function(int a, int b)

A simple function that adds.

  • a – The initial value

  • b – The value to add to a


The sum of a and b


Similar Tools

  • hawkmoth a sphinx extension that which will document all of a C file. It supports being able to regex list files and have those files be documented.

  • breathe A doxygen output to sphinx tool.

Indices and tables